Saturday, December 8, 2012

Don't Miss Out

Over my 10+ years the healthcare field, something that i have often seen is how the younger generation often avoids the elderly generation.  I have seen so many lonely faces in places I have worked... the adult children will come yet rarely will you ever see young adult grandchildren.  It truly is a sad thing to witness.  I speak from experience, as my Grandmother passed away in 2002.  I was 21 at the time she passed and a few weeks before her death I was home visiting and my mother asked me if I would go with her to see Grandma (As my mother went nearly daily to see my Grandmother) and I stated that I would go see her the next time I was in visiting.  That chance never came, as my Grandmother passed and I never had the opportunity to speak with her again or receive one of her giant bear hugs that lasted forever...

There is a british film called, "Mrs. Palphrey at the Claremont" and it is one of my favorites.  It is about an elderly woman who moves to London and she calls and calls her grandson and he never came to see her and she one day meets a young stranger on the street who befriends her and shows her nothing by kindness.  He becomes her stand-in grandson.  It was sad when for so long her real grandson ignored her... and a stranger showed her utmost respect.

Never lose the opportunity to spend time with your all your Grandparents... they are full of so much love and wisdom... though they will often never feel wise... they have experienced life to its extent.  And not only your grandparents, but any elderly person... you never know when you could make a wonderful change in another's life.  Perhaps someone doesn't have anyone who comes to see them, or rarely comes to see them, and you could be that difference to make someone's heart so happy.   One never knows when the opportunity will pass and believe me, you never want to experience regret... because it will catch up with you one day and you will regret not spending more time with those who needed you most. 

So don't miss out on the best generation... don't miss out on all the love...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

World Aids Day: Dec 1, 2012

Some people have asked me in the past, why I post from time to time things about AIDS.  My reason is that I feel people are still very uninformed about HIV/AIDS and some still treat those who are affected with distance and fear. 

I want people to be aware of how you can contract the virus and how you can prevent it.  The reason that I want people to be aware is because I have seen visually the deaths of some who have had AIDS and it is something I would never want anyone else to ever have to experience seeing or having. 

We have came so far today with out medications and are making radical improvements in the treatment of the virus.  MANY people in Africa and the US, as well as other countries,  have already received the ARV pill and over just a few months they are healthier looking and also this pill prevents mothers from passing it to their children!  This is a major step in radicating AIDS.

I just want to say to others... Don't be informed!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The End is Better than the Beginning

This time of year I start to get very excited about the fall... It is the best time of year!  The smell in the crisp air, the colors of the leaves and plants changing, camp fires, and cocoa make it all worth while. 
But it also makes me think of the end of a journey too... something that comes to us all... Do you notice how bright and vibrant the leaves are before they die?  I believe that is how a lot of people are before they pass on... I believe we get better and better as time goes on in our lives and we become more vibrant... It may not seem so physically... but deep within our souls we are strong.  We read that the end of ones journey is better than in the beginning... 
Be sure to fill your journey with love and compassion and you will find so much strength within yourselves to do and be better... There are a lot of things in this life that can try to drag us down, and many people let life do that to them... but life is really what you make of it!  I mean if all you had was the air in your lungs... you could still find the strength within to be happy... Things are just things... I look around sometimes and wonder how we have become so superficial and commercialized... This life was meant to be lived in a positive way... make it that way... no matter what you have... make the best of it and you will find that you will get better and better....
So strive to be vibrant... sweeter... stronger... and when the time comes that you break away from the life you knew (as leaves do) you won't regret it... Make your life count!  <3

Friday, August 3, 2012

Positive Change

There is a time in everyone's life that we realize we aren't who we thought we were. Things happen... life happens... and everyone changes.   Changes sometimes are easy and others hurt, but we all change.  If we keep a positive attitude through the changes (no matter how painful they may be) then we will come out ahead and stronger and a better person. 
The things that happen to us in our lives can drastically change our outlook on life... if it is negative change it can eat us alive and tear at us like a wild animal and can be poisonous.  I have been there before... I made it out...  Then there are changes that are positive that make us smile and laugh and love life... that is how you want change to affect you.  We do have some control over how change effects us...  We have to keep upbeat and looking forward and moving forward. 
Sometimes people will try to hurt us... our normal reaction would be to hurt them back... but a true positive reaction would be to just keep moving on and smiling... nothing drives someone crazier than if they try to hurt you and you keep smiling... that's the best revenge... :)
Be sure to love everyone and promote positive change...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Another kind of happiness

The other night I had a dream that felt so real that when I woke I had to almost pinch myself to make sure I was awake.  My cousin passed away last fall... when she was 25 she had cancer and after fighting if off twice she spent a great bit of time with continuous oxygen through her trachea as her lungs were both in terrible condition due to Aspiration when she was near 30 years old.  But the other night I woke up in my dream on a beach that was so perfect.. white sand... clear water and no one around at all. Then I saw Sep walking down the beach in the tidewater and she was laughing and smiling... I didn't know what to feel in my dream except for amazement and wonder. I could almost imagine that that would have been a dream of hers to be able to do... I could imagine she would have been so happy to walk and to breathe the fresh ocean air again and feel the sand in her toes... I can still hear her laughing... Dreams are sometimes another kind of happiness.  It's like they take us to another place and make us think on good things... happy things.
Life is not promised to any one of us... we don't know when our lives will cease to exist as we know it... which is why we want to feel the sand in our toes... breathe the fresh air in... walk in the water... watch the sunset... those little things make everything else seem even smaller in importance... Tell those you love that you love them and don't hold that back. Think on those who are no longer with us and remember the best times... and even if there are tears... make sure you are smiling through them because you had an opportunity to know them and have them in your life... they were a gift to you...and maybe one day you can meet them in your dreams again... and smile at the memories and joy life brought to you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Have you ever had so many things crowd into your mind and you don't know where to even begin? I feel that way so often.  It seems to be a difficult task these days to clear ones mind.  I think we sometimes get blindsided by all the mumbo-jumbo in life and things that are so petty that we forget to focus on the best most important things in life. 
When is the last time you walked barefoot in the grass?  Laid down on the ground and watched the clouds go by? Walked in the rain?  These may seem like little things, but they help calm the mind and give a new perspective on life and a new found appreciation for nature. 
The small things are what matter most... the things we can truly see and feel deep within our hearts. We are just creatures running to and fro wondering what way to go next as though we have lost our way, but we need to focus and get our perspective straight and remember to take time to do the little things that matter ourselves and those we love.

Friday, May 4, 2012

disliked subject-politics

I never ever get into this discussion, but thought just for today I would... only today... :) Politics is a ridiculous subject. It makes people that way too. People start believing every little thing they read before they actually go to see the facts... it's the same way with the federal budget. Often i hear..."we spend so much on other countries and we need so much help ourselves"... go look at the actual federal budget and you will see less than 1% goes in humanitarian aid to other countries... but WAY beyond that in billions and billions of dollars, goes to people here in the US for welfare and financial support. AND may I say that there are jobs... but I often hear "I am not working for minimum wage!" Well there you go... we have people who don't really want to work, who don't want to flip burgers so to speak, etc... but there are jobs available if people would get off the ego trips and actually work... jobs going to other countries?? yep... because people won't work for less than a certain amount... we have become so spoiled....
Gas Prices... I saw where someone posted a line that Obama inherited gas prices of 1.81 a gal... and now we are 3.89... if I recall correctly the highest it was so far was when Bush was in office... I paid 4.89 for gas in '07-'08 and that was not in a big city either where it was even more.... Back when my great grandfather worked in the mines he made $1.00 a week... bread was .05 a loaf... etc... now we have incomes that are far more than that.. and in reality it equals out... and in most cases... even more than...
I am not defending anyone... what I am merely saying is, every president has made their fair share of mistakes... and EVERYONE in the future will too... they are human... and if you had their job... people would be saying the same horrible things about you...
People talk about being proud of America and the flag... well I was taught along with that... that even if you don't agree with what the leaders are doing, you still respect them... because they are in their place of power for a reason... believe me... we all have the privilege of voting.. it is our right... but I firmly believe God makes the final vote... and He has reasons for who is where they are... I believe that very much... so I respect those who take on the challenge of leading our country... It amazes me how many people are so disrespectful these days... and say horrible awful things about our leaders... I can see why this country is falling a part... because people have lost respect...
I don't want to say anything else... even though I have a lot... :) but I just hope people read to get the true honest facts before jumping on some bandwagon... and yeesh... have some respect...

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I was speaking with my mother tonight and I asked her what I should write about and her response was 'family.'  I got to thinking about that and realized how I am blessed to have my natural relatives who love me and have shown me so much love and I continued thinking... family doesn't necessarily have to be a blood relative... To me family can just be those people who care about you, love you, support you, and are there for you.  So when I look at it that way... I have an amazing family around me... and it is a blessing!
Sometimes some natural families are torn apart by things that happen in life and people are not close at all to some members of their natural family, but there are those who care about each other and would do anything for others...
I know of someone who's parents never showed him any love, care, or compassion and never even cared what he did.  In his teen years he found a couple that lived not far from him that took him under their wing and showed him right from wrong and showed him love and compassion... they became like parents to him... This is what being a family is about...
If you are feeling like you are not a part of your natural family and feel that you have no one to turn too... there are people out there who will care about you, love you and support you even if they don't always agree with you... and you can find a 'family' in friends!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Place To Visit

Is there some place that you have truly longed to go and visit?  We all have some place I am sure... just remember not to give up on it, but do all you can to make it happen.  I have always had 2 places that I have wanted to visit.  One is Scotland up in the highlands.  The other may not seem like the typical vacation spot, but I want to visit Benin, West Africa.  Here I have a wonderful friend that I would love to visit.  This country has it's problems at times and only within the last 20 years became The republic of Benin.  But when you have a friend somewhere it doesn't or shouldn't matter where they are... My friend's parents just recently had their home ransacked and the attached photo shows what happened. It may look as though it was a tornado... but it was done at the hands of men.  They have had to move to a different location due to this.  It is sad...  We often do not realize how lucky we really are to have what we do have.  I hear so many complain today about so many things that are so minimal and really nothing... compared to how others live.  We can complain all we want about rising gas prices, etc, but remember to be thankful that we even have a job to go to... a place to live... etc.  We have so much we can be thankful for... I think visiting other countries that are stricken can help one to appreciate all that they do have and remind us of how spoiled we are. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

We Are All Valuable

     I often wonder why people always try to put others down because of who they are.  If you don't like someone for who they are then let them be... maybe some people are just truly jealous of the other person.  No one is perfect... everyone has made mistakes and will continue to make is how we learn and we pick up ourselves and keep going.  I have made my share of mistakes and had regrets and wish I had done some things differently, but that is not the point... the point is that we get back up!
     We were all created for a reason! We ALL have true value.  The sad part is so many do not see their value or potential because they are put down by others and it causes them to doubt themselves and who they are... Do Not let others make you feel that you are nothing...because you are something! Believe in yourself that you can do whatever it is that you set out to accomplish and you will be able to do it! 
     This world is full of cold, hard people... I feel sorry for them...I really do... because they are missing out on all of the great blessings and goodness in this life!  They have to be miserable...  Don't let them make you that way! 
     I am thankful for my life and the people who are always there for me and support me and love me.  I feel that the only thing in this life truly worth anything is the love we show to others!  Sure I have people in my life that others may like to put down and criticize, but I don't care... I love them and support them because that is what my heart tells me!!  Be sure to smile at everyone who crosses your path... Give someone a hug if they need it... and love.... just love everyone... and your life will be so enriched and enhanced beyond what you could ever imagine.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bucket Lists

I feel that everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs to take some time and sit down and write a list of everything that they would really like to do or places they would like to see.  This lists helps motivate you to follow your dreams and accomplish good and wonderful things.
We all have places we would love to see...and you know...maybe we will never see them even tho' they are on our Bucket List, but at least it was something to strive for.  I have thus checked off 4 things from my bucket list and am so excited when I get to check something off.  My most recent was the publication of a short book of my poetry and short stories. is not anything great by any means... but it is something I accomplished and checked off my list. 
It doesn't have to be great things either...  just things that you hope to do or to see in your lifetime...
Keep your dreams alive :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Live Life

Today I read an article about a young boy who has been battling cancer since he was 7 and has made the ultimate decision to stop treatments and wants to just go home.  Talk about a brave and courageous person.  We don't know half of what others go through in this life.  It reminded me again of how fragile this life is and how so often we don't truly live life.
We rush and rush and one day we stop and look up and think, "how did I even get here?"  It happens so fast. Are you focusing on truly living life?  I often feel that I don't live this life to the extent that I should.  How often I miss out with my family and friends, etc, is sometimes embarrassing.  I try everyday to make the most of every moment that I have, but it typically involves work. Don't get me wrong I love my residents at my job, and would do anything for them that I could!
Just remember to spend a lot of your time with your family and friends and those who love you!!  This life is so fragile and we never know when it may come to an end.  Live each day... truly live!  :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

People we meet

In this journey of life we meet many people along the way. People who put us down, lift us up, hate us, love us, make us laugh, etc. We meet so many people who have an impact on our lives.  These experiences help shape who we are.
There is nothing more important that surrounding yourself with people who love you for who you are and encourage you to follow your heart.  We have very delicate and fragile hearts and often because of certain people along the journey we have built walls around it... and appear so often to be hardened.  It makes me really look at others sometimes who appear to be hardened but in reality its just that someone has hurt them by bullying and they have built walls around there hearts... deep down inside I believe everyone does have a heart... we just have to care enough to help break the walls down! 
Love everyone! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Take the Time

Have you ever felt like you were meant to do something, but never could find the time or courage to do it?  I feel that way a lot... like I wish I had the time to do some things that I feel like I am meant to do... Time is so precious and I often feel like I neglect things that I need to focus on more. 
We all have things we have to do in this life in order to live, but maybe sometimes they overtake our focus of what is most important.  We have to nurture the good things in our lives and in order to truly nurture those things... we need to spend time doing so...
I need to be better at taking time to enjoy my life... to remember who I really am... sometimes I lose that focus... I am thankful for my family and friends who stick by me even when I don't spend the appropriate amount of time with them...
Remember... don't lose sight of who you are... make the time to do what you need to do for YOU!  :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I was recently pondering over addictions.  Often people are very judgemental about people who have addictions and will often put them down for them, but it is hard for me to understand why anyone could put someone down for an addiction when 99% of the time, they have an addiction as well... I think we all have one if not more.  As an example, what is the difference in someone needing to smoke a cigarette to calm their nerves and someone quietly over in the corner popping a chemical perscription to help their nerves... do you see where I am going with this?  One addiction is no 'better' or 'worse' than another... I think some think that if no one sees them in their addiction then they have have the right to judge others who have one that can be seen.  We are all fighting some addiction and trying to overcome it, so there is no need to judge anyone or put someone down because they have an addiction... if anything we just need to all be there for each other and be there as a support... No one is alone in their struggles...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rock Bottom

What do you do when you feel like you have hit rock bottom?  I think everyone has or will experience this is their lives... we all find ourselves at the bottom at one time or another on our journey!  Experiences of life bring us there and we have no where to go but up.  I feel that we reach that point because it helps us see who we really are and what we need to be doing with our lives.  When you hit the bottom you find out who is truly there for you as well. 
I think I have been there a few times in my life and have hit rock bottom in ways that most people in my life don't even know about... I am thankful for those who were there to help me when they didn't even realize they were.  I could never repay them and they may not even realize the extent of their help.  There are people you meet along your journey who help you and perhaps they don't fully realize the positive impact they had on your life.  I think it is important to let them know how much they mean to you.
Life brings us experiences that we don't necessarily want to face but they come our way anyhow and we have to do our best and thank those who help lift us up...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Animal Prints

I think just about everyone has had a pet animal that they have had and no matter what anyone says, they do leave their little animal prints on our hearts.  I think often they listen even when no one else does... and they never say anything back to you or tell you that you are crazy :)  You can hug them and feel as though they understand you.  I feel that some animals were put here just to provide a comfort to us.
When I was 14 almost 15, we welcomed a little kitten to our home and named her precious... which lasted until she continued to have litter after litter of kittens and her name changed to 'Mama-Cat.'  She was everywhere we were around the house... if we were working in the garden she was there... quietly with us, always watching over everything.  She loved laying in mom's lap by the fireplace and every thanksgiving dinner she had her very own plate...that's how special she was.
After almost 17 years at mom and dad's she went to sleep yesterday and never woke up.  I admit I got misty eyed... this was my little buddy that was always my confidante. We understood each other :)
Our pets are an important part of our lives because they go through this journey with us.  They hear and see our frustration, sadness, joy, laughter... they see it all... and still love us.  It's no wonder why they are such an important part of our lives because they understand us better than our fellow-man sometimes. They are what a friend should be.
Have you ever had that special pet in your life that has left lasting paw prints on your heart?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happiest Moment

Tell me about the time when you remember being the happiest. Somewhere in your journey when you felt the most at peace within yourself and felt whole... When was that moment for you?  It is an important thing to remember that moment, because when you get down or frustrated you can close your eyes and think of that time and it really does make it better.
I remember going to a place called Grand Isle, LA.  I have been there 4 times so far.  The first few times I just enjoyed it and it was nice... but there was something special about the other times... I can remember sitting on an empty beach, listening to the waves of the Gulf of Mexico, seeing dolphins dance in the water, and the sun shining on me.  That moment of that day continues to overwhelm me in a good way.  I will never forget the way I felt.  I felt whole and complete and happy. 
Whenever things get the best of me I close my eyes and remember that day and how I felt... I felt closer to God than I had ever felt.  Some people may think the scene I described wouldn't qualify as some great magnificent thing... but within my soul... it was amazing and beyond anything I had ever felt before.
Everyone has some time in there life that they were the happiest, and it is going to be different for every single person because we are all unique.  So please share with me this moment in your life?!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

If tomorrow....

It came to my mind this evening... how often do we tell the people in our lives how much we love them?  What if they were to die tomorrow and you never told them what you felt?  That is a sad thing! 
It is so important to tell your family, friends, significant other, etc. that you love them every chance you get and you will never regret it!  Not only does this make them feel good to know they are loved, but it is good for ones own heart as well. 
I know a few certain times in my life that my last words to someone had been that I loved them because they were gone before I saw them again and I am thankful for those times... but I often regret the ones I remember not saying it too and they were gone before I had the chance... and those were the ones that I thought had a lot of years left, but they were young... close to my age.  You never know what tomorrow holds!
So when you say bye to someone you care about say 'i love you'... and it doesn't matter what others think... what matters is you showing love to those you care about.  I need to improve on this myself...  so spread all the love you can!!!!  Today is here... tomorrow may not be!  I love you! <3

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Past

As we are going forward on our journey we often tend to focus on the rear view mirror.  It is so easy to glance up and look through that mirror at all that has happened in our past, but that will hold us back from living in the moment and we will lose sight of everything around us that matters.
The things we have experienced in the past that have caused us some scars seem to be the things that always try to stay in the forefront of our minds.  We can forgive others but we have to forgive ourselves as well in order to move on.
Have you experienced something in your past that has effected who you are today because of the pain and hurt that you went through? I think we all have something like that, but we have to try our best to stay focused on where we are at in our journey because looking back can cause hurt over and over again and cause us to lose sight of who we really are and where we really want to be.
Remember... those who hurt others always comes full circle and will come back to them... we may never even know when it does.  The important thing is that we forgive others, we forgive ourselves, and move on... we are on a journey moving forward so don't get stuck in the ditch along the road!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Love and Compassion

I think that Love and Compassion are 2 things the whole world lacks. If we don't show that, who will?  We have to show that we care and I certainly hope we do!  That we care for every single individual. 
One day I was asked why I would ever 'hang out with someone like that.' I now know what Jesus must have felt like.  There are some who would be accusatory of Him for being with the 'sinners'.  I am glad that He didn't care what others thought about that. He was there to help anyone who wanted it or needed it. 
So when others may judge you for who you spend time with just remember that your love and compassion will be remembered and returned to you no matter who may put you down. 
Anyone who would call someone else a sinner... has never truly looked in a mirror. 
Please always show love and kindness and compassion to EVERYONE!!!!   

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Never Hold Back

          If you hold back from something due to fear and it keeps you from following your heart then you should reevaluate your life.  We all have that tendency to hold back from things... especially things that make us uncomfortable, but to grow and learn we have to follow our hearts.  For some people following their hearts is becoming settled in a community and having a family, and for others it is simply going where the wind takes you, wherever it may be, and experiencing new things. Some people really enjoy being settled in a community and having a family, and in doing that you still don't want to hold back what you can offer your town and all you can offer your family.  When going with the wind, we simply go where we feel we are moved to go and not regretting it. 
          The point I want to make is that we don't want to hold back on our potential.  Wherever our place in life we want to give it all we have.  Many people still tell me that I have 'hidden talents' but I often clam up in some settings and I don't share of my 'talents' like I should.  I feel we all have those gifts and we all hold back out of fear.
          In today's society many people are maybe even fearful of sharing their talents because of criticism and bullying.  Remember though that when someone is hurtful to you they are often jealous that you have a particular talent and they don't and that is why it is necessary as well, when someone is sharing of their talents, to remain encouraging.  Maybe you can remember a time when you felt that you would never do something again because someone laughed at you (not with you).  Look above that in yourself and show them that they may try to bring you down, but they won't because you can do have can excel at your talent... Never let them tear you down and Never hold back on your talents or dreams. 
         So.... What's holding you back?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Moving Forward

There is often a dream that each person has that seems so great that they feel they could never reach it.  Sometimes there is a wish that someone has that seems so great they feel they could never reach it. Often I think we expect things to happen instantly and then when something doesn't happen like we feel it should we back out, back track, to the place we were.  Sometimes there are people telling you that you could never go further or be more... but never let anyone make you feel you are less than you are.  Each person, great or small, has a value beyond what anyone could ever see... most of the time they don't move forward because they feel like they are not good enough, they feel they don't matter, they feel like they could never reach their dream.
If someone tells you that you could never reach you goal... they are just jealous of the fact that you have the faith in yourself that you can do it... and when they bring it up to your face that you can't... show them you can... because you can.
Moving forward sometimes means leaving behind people that you have come to know and love.  I have experienced this in my life many times.  I have moved many places and met a lot of people that i have came to know and love and call my friends and each time I had to leave I felt as though I had lost everything... but later down the road I have realized that i have gained so much... though it was difficult to sever those ties i knew that in order to move forward in my life that I would have to follow my heart and follow my dream. 
Through each place that I have lived and been to, I have met some amazing people.  Remember that each place you go, each person you meet, teaches you something and gives you experience, but to really learn and grow in the experience... you have to take everything in... not just the part you feel is important, but take in all the details... because down the road it will all be of use to you. 
What I am trying to say is... just don't let anyone take away what you want to do in life.  I watched "The Help" recently and it truly moved me in many ways.  When Skeeter asks Aibeleen if she had other dreams and plans for her life and Aibeleen shook her head yes... that right there is a pure example.  She had dreamed of being something other than a maid her entire life and that is all she had done... but then she felt courage within herself and brought about a great change in her life and many others in that era and place, and she became a great writer... She also says something over and over to the child in the film, she says "You is kind, you is smart, you is important."  If we can remember that ourselves... every single one of us... we can do amazing and great things.
Have the faith and confidence that you can make a difference, you can reach your dream, you can have wishes and reach for the stars, and you can be the master of your own masterpiece... Be sure to use the brightest colors on your palette and paint the picture of your life as you go so that at the end of your life there will be something left behind that others will never forget your life...your work of art.