Saturday, February 25, 2012

Live Life

Today I read an article about a young boy who has been battling cancer since he was 7 and has made the ultimate decision to stop treatments and wants to just go home.  Talk about a brave and courageous person.  We don't know half of what others go through in this life.  It reminded me again of how fragile this life is and how so often we don't truly live life.
We rush and rush and one day we stop and look up and think, "how did I even get here?"  It happens so fast. Are you focusing on truly living life?  I often feel that I don't live this life to the extent that I should.  How often I miss out with my family and friends, etc, is sometimes embarrassing.  I try everyday to make the most of every moment that I have, but it typically involves work. Don't get me wrong I love my residents at my job, and would do anything for them that I could!
Just remember to spend a lot of your time with your family and friends and those who love you!!  This life is so fragile and we never know when it may come to an end.  Live each day... truly live!  :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

People we meet

In this journey of life we meet many people along the way. People who put us down, lift us up, hate us, love us, make us laugh, etc. We meet so many people who have an impact on our lives.  These experiences help shape who we are.
There is nothing more important that surrounding yourself with people who love you for who you are and encourage you to follow your heart.  We have very delicate and fragile hearts and often because of certain people along the journey we have built walls around it... and appear so often to be hardened.  It makes me really look at others sometimes who appear to be hardened but in reality its just that someone has hurt them by bullying and they have built walls around there hearts... deep down inside I believe everyone does have a heart... we just have to care enough to help break the walls down! 
Love everyone! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Take the Time

Have you ever felt like you were meant to do something, but never could find the time or courage to do it?  I feel that way a lot... like I wish I had the time to do some things that I feel like I am meant to do... Time is so precious and I often feel like I neglect things that I need to focus on more. 
We all have things we have to do in this life in order to live, but maybe sometimes they overtake our focus of what is most important.  We have to nurture the good things in our lives and in order to truly nurture those things... we need to spend time doing so...
I need to be better at taking time to enjoy my life... to remember who I really am... sometimes I lose that focus... I am thankful for my family and friends who stick by me even when I don't spend the appropriate amount of time with them...
Remember... don't lose sight of who you are... make the time to do what you need to do for YOU!  :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I was recently pondering over addictions.  Often people are very judgemental about people who have addictions and will often put them down for them, but it is hard for me to understand why anyone could put someone down for an addiction when 99% of the time, they have an addiction as well... I think we all have one if not more.  As an example, what is the difference in someone needing to smoke a cigarette to calm their nerves and someone quietly over in the corner popping a chemical perscription to help their nerves... do you see where I am going with this?  One addiction is no 'better' or 'worse' than another... I think some think that if no one sees them in their addiction then they have have the right to judge others who have one that can be seen.  We are all fighting some addiction and trying to overcome it, so there is no need to judge anyone or put someone down because they have an addiction... if anything we just need to all be there for each other and be there as a support... No one is alone in their struggles...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rock Bottom

What do you do when you feel like you have hit rock bottom?  I think everyone has or will experience this is their lives... we all find ourselves at the bottom at one time or another on our journey!  Experiences of life bring us there and we have no where to go but up.  I feel that we reach that point because it helps us see who we really are and what we need to be doing with our lives.  When you hit the bottom you find out who is truly there for you as well. 
I think I have been there a few times in my life and have hit rock bottom in ways that most people in my life don't even know about... I am thankful for those who were there to help me when they didn't even realize they were.  I could never repay them and they may not even realize the extent of their help.  There are people you meet along your journey who help you and perhaps they don't fully realize the positive impact they had on your life.  I think it is important to let them know how much they mean to you.
Life brings us experiences that we don't necessarily want to face but they come our way anyhow and we have to do our best and thank those who help lift us up...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Animal Prints

I think just about everyone has had a pet animal that they have had and no matter what anyone says, they do leave their little animal prints on our hearts.  I think often they listen even when no one else does... and they never say anything back to you or tell you that you are crazy :)  You can hug them and feel as though they understand you.  I feel that some animals were put here just to provide a comfort to us.
When I was 14 almost 15, we welcomed a little kitten to our home and named her precious... which lasted until she continued to have litter after litter of kittens and her name changed to 'Mama-Cat.'  She was everywhere we were around the house... if we were working in the garden she was there... quietly with us, always watching over everything.  She loved laying in mom's lap by the fireplace and every thanksgiving dinner she had her very own plate...that's how special she was.
After almost 17 years at mom and dad's she went to sleep yesterday and never woke up.  I admit I got misty eyed... this was my little buddy that was always my confidante. We understood each other :)
Our pets are an important part of our lives because they go through this journey with us.  They hear and see our frustration, sadness, joy, laughter... they see it all... and still love us.  It's no wonder why they are such an important part of our lives because they understand us better than our fellow-man sometimes. They are what a friend should be.
Have you ever had that special pet in your life that has left lasting paw prints on your heart?