Saturday, May 26, 2012


Have you ever had so many things crowd into your mind and you don't know where to even begin? I feel that way so often.  It seems to be a difficult task these days to clear ones mind.  I think we sometimes get blindsided by all the mumbo-jumbo in life and things that are so petty that we forget to focus on the best most important things in life. 
When is the last time you walked barefoot in the grass?  Laid down on the ground and watched the clouds go by? Walked in the rain?  These may seem like little things, but they help calm the mind and give a new perspective on life and a new found appreciation for nature. 
The small things are what matter most... the things we can truly see and feel deep within our hearts. We are just creatures running to and fro wondering what way to go next as though we have lost our way, but we need to focus and get our perspective straight and remember to take time to do the little things that matter ourselves and those we love.

Friday, May 4, 2012

disliked subject-politics

I never ever get into this discussion, but thought just for today I would... only today... :) Politics is a ridiculous subject. It makes people that way too. People start believing every little thing they read before they actually go to see the facts... it's the same way with the federal budget. Often i hear..."we spend so much on other countries and we need so much help ourselves"... go look at the actual federal budget and you will see less than 1% goes in humanitarian aid to other countries... but WAY beyond that in billions and billions of dollars, goes to people here in the US for welfare and financial support. AND may I say that there are jobs... but I often hear "I am not working for minimum wage!" Well there you go... we have people who don't really want to work, who don't want to flip burgers so to speak, etc... but there are jobs available if people would get off the ego trips and actually work... jobs going to other countries?? yep... because people won't work for less than a certain amount... we have become so spoiled....
Gas Prices... I saw where someone posted a line that Obama inherited gas prices of 1.81 a gal... and now we are 3.89... if I recall correctly the highest it was so far was when Bush was in office... I paid 4.89 for gas in '07-'08 and that was not in a big city either where it was even more.... Back when my great grandfather worked in the mines he made $1.00 a week... bread was .05 a loaf... etc... now we have incomes that are far more than that.. and in reality it equals out... and in most cases... even more than...
I am not defending anyone... what I am merely saying is, every president has made their fair share of mistakes... and EVERYONE in the future will too... they are human... and if you had their job... people would be saying the same horrible things about you...
People talk about being proud of America and the flag... well I was taught along with that... that even if you don't agree with what the leaders are doing, you still respect them... because they are in their place of power for a reason... believe me... we all have the privilege of voting.. it is our right... but I firmly believe God makes the final vote... and He has reasons for who is where they are... I believe that very much... so I respect those who take on the challenge of leading our country... It amazes me how many people are so disrespectful these days... and say horrible awful things about our leaders... I can see why this country is falling a part... because people have lost respect...
I don't want to say anything else... even though I have a lot... :) but I just hope people read to get the true honest facts before jumping on some bandwagon... and yeesh... have some respect...