Saturday, March 31, 2012

We Are All Valuable

     I often wonder why people always try to put others down because of who they are.  If you don't like someone for who they are then let them be... maybe some people are just truly jealous of the other person.  No one is perfect... everyone has made mistakes and will continue to make is how we learn and we pick up ourselves and keep going.  I have made my share of mistakes and had regrets and wish I had done some things differently, but that is not the point... the point is that we get back up!
     We were all created for a reason! We ALL have true value.  The sad part is so many do not see their value or potential because they are put down by others and it causes them to doubt themselves and who they are... Do Not let others make you feel that you are nothing...because you are something! Believe in yourself that you can do whatever it is that you set out to accomplish and you will be able to do it! 
     This world is full of cold, hard people... I feel sorry for them...I really do... because they are missing out on all of the great blessings and goodness in this life!  They have to be miserable...  Don't let them make you that way! 
     I am thankful for my life and the people who are always there for me and support me and love me.  I feel that the only thing in this life truly worth anything is the love we show to others!  Sure I have people in my life that others may like to put down and criticize, but I don't care... I love them and support them because that is what my heart tells me!!  Be sure to smile at everyone who crosses your path... Give someone a hug if they need it... and love.... just love everyone... and your life will be so enriched and enhanced beyond what you could ever imagine.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bucket Lists

I feel that everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs to take some time and sit down and write a list of everything that they would really like to do or places they would like to see.  This lists helps motivate you to follow your dreams and accomplish good and wonderful things.
We all have places we would love to see...and you know...maybe we will never see them even tho' they are on our Bucket List, but at least it was something to strive for.  I have thus checked off 4 things from my bucket list and am so excited when I get to check something off.  My most recent was the publication of a short book of my poetry and short stories. is not anything great by any means... but it is something I accomplished and checked off my list. 
It doesn't have to be great things either...  just things that you hope to do or to see in your lifetime...
Keep your dreams alive :)